Sabtu, 16 April 2011


DNA is the smallest unit of heredity found in all creatures hidupmulai microorganisms to higher organisms like humans, animals and plants. In plants, DNA can be isolated from various organs that contain cells. In principle, the isolation of DNA consists of several stages, namely solving the cell wall, DNA separation and precipitation. Destruction of the cell can be chemically and physically. The chemical destruction of the cell is to use the compounds EDTA and SDS. EDTA serves bind magnesium ions that act to maintain cell integrity and maintain the enzyme activity of nuclease. SDS is a detergent that works kind of damage the cell membrane so that experienced lysis. Dirt (debris) arising from the destruction of cells by EDTA and SDS cleaned by centrifugation, so that left only the nucleotide molecule.
In this Euphorbia plant DNA isolation used is the leaves are still young. In the process of making the solution, NaCl added leaf that serves to stabilize the solution so that speed up reactions at a later stage. Use of detergents attack and pineapple juice in this experiment serves to damage the cell membrane so that cell lysis and binding experience magnesium ions that function to maintain the integrity of the cell. And last on this simple DNA isolation process is penembahan cold ethanol, ethanol serves as a centrifugal namely separating DNA molecules with parts of other cells so that the visible threads / white blob on the upper phase and precipitate the green on the bottom phase.


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